It's easy to let yourself go when you start uni - you're an independent adult who can make whichever food choices you like, and with plenty of junk food around to give you a quick fix, it may not come as a surprise to you that it's easy to make the wrong choices! Your usual routine is different, without being forced to attend PDHPE and being a part of many different team sports in school. So it's easy and fun to not worry about eating well and getting heaps of exercise, and as an independent adult, there's no one to tell you not to!
However, treating your body like this is actually unhelpful for your studies. Regular exercise improves levels of energy and mood and reduces stress and anxiety. Well, wow! I'm going to be honest, I've never been amazing at treating my body well, but I would never say no to those benefits! Especially during those periods right before big assignments and exams - I would only stress more to exclaim that there was no time to exercise, only time to study! Thats why whenever you're stuck on an assignment, dozing off watching an online lecture, or freaking out at the large amount of content that you just can't seem to remember - get outside for just 30 minutes to go for a quick jog, swim, bike ride or even just a walk to clear your head and drink in some fresh air and sunshine. You might feel like it wont do anything, but it's only good for you and is so much better for your mind than you think! Macquarie also has a Sport and Aquatic Centre packed with heaps of high quality facilities easy available to Students and to the public, as well as opportunities to join in team sports at uni so you can get some exercise, have fun and make some new friends all at once.
Eating healthy, nutritious, balanced meals are also going to help your uni work. Foods that are high in sugar, sodium and caffeine which students often consume when studying; such as coffee, lollies, energy drinks, potato chips and more give you one sudden hit of energy temporarily, followed by a large crash making your body and processes of thinking slow, demotivating you to keep working. However, nutritious foods such as fish, complex carbs, fresh fruit, nuts, legumes, green veggies etc. will give you a steady level of long lasting energy and aid with memory and proper brain function, helping you get the most out of your study and helping you feel good. :)
We know you've been told this all before, but if you put this into practise, it will make a serious difference in achieving your best results possible at uni, reducing your levels of stress, and keeping you feeling your happiest!
Reference: Image 1 retrieved from
Image 2 retrieved from