Sunday, 4 October 2015

Building on mentoring relationships with Academics

An important factor that is normally disregarded is the effective use in communication and use of resources while in University.

What we have found and studies show that there is lack of interaction between students and academic staff.

Our tip for you today is, use the resources that are presented to you. Be engaged with those around you and they may help and support you in the long run.

It is evident now in tertiary education that the relationship beteen students and academics can become purely linear; Academics are only for grades, marks and learning. As much of this is true; the experience of students in tertiary education can be so much more fulfiling. It can be interesting and valuing for a students to create and maintain relationships between academics, as they were also once students before. As such; a mentoring relationship can be aspiring to learn how the circumstances and experiences of one can develop and transform another. i.e.Academic staff can become mentors that help journey and offer advice that can be relevant to a student's life.

Currently in Macquarie University there is the Mentors@Macquarie Program aimed to give an orientation at Macquarie University for all new students.
For Faculty of Business Students; there are two mentoring program intiatives.
The FBE FirstSTEP Mentoring Program; where they dwell in the mentoring relationship between academic staff and students and the Lucy Mentoring Program where female students can be partnered with a Senior Executive Mentor in the corporate world.

As a final note for today; for students who wish to study a Masters Program; who need an academic reference, this could be an additional resource! 
Us at MQunitips strongly urge you to get out of your comfort zone and give a chance to establish a connection with academic staff and not to be scared to ask questions! 

- "Get Amongst It!"

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