Monday, 12 October 2015

Student Benefits

Another great thing to remember about being a student is the external benefits outside of university! Just because you've left school and have become an adult, you are still a student on a budget, and it is often hard to get by and be independent and still treat yourself to buying the things you enjoy. But there are student discounts everywhere! And as long as you have a valid student card, you can easily reap those benefits.

Student discounts are available at the cinema, certain fast food joints, bowling alleys, clothing stores, through purchasing flights and many more places you might not realise! Students are also able to ride on public transport at a discounted price, as long as you are a full time student and have an opal card purchased through the university. There is a small, simple process to this which will be convenient for you to be familiar with. Just login to AskMQ with your Student ID, and fill out a declaration for MQ to share your eligibility with TfNSW. Then, wait 24hrs for the application to be processed and apply at TfNSW Concession Opal Card. Then, discounted rides on all public transport! It's that simple!

Another great benefit that comes with being a student is discounted shopping through UNiDays. All you have to do is register under your Macquarie University ID to get discounts to so many amazing brands such as; Missguided, Superdry, Princess Polly, ASOS, CityBeach, Glue, General Pants and so many more! When you need a little study break, it's fun to have a good look at all the discounts on such awesome clothes. :)

We love it, and hope you will too!

Reference: Image retrieved from
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