Wednesday, 14 October 2015

My Experience in Macquarie University!

Written by Boris

In addition to the post; Your degree is not everything - other ways to add Value to yourself!

Boris is a fourth year current student at Macquarie University Studying a Bachelor of Applied Finance with a degree in Bachelor of Commerce - Professional Accounting.

Being in Macquarie University or any other tertiary education, things happen fast! It is best to always be weary of what is happening around you, and of the vast opportunities that are happening. 

When I first started at Macquarie University, I was shy and timid from the unexpected change of atmosphere from secondary education. What I found was good was that i knew a few people prior to Macquarie University so this helped me in my transition. Howver, if you are new to the area, there is nothing to worry about as Macquarie stafff and students are highly friendly, so it be easy to adjust to the change. See my progress and how much my experience at Macquarie University has been a fulfilling and fast-paced one.

As I was progressing through to university life; I witness the number of Student Societies at O-Week. At this time I joined the Catholic Asian Students' Society (CASS) and the Accounting Students' Association (ASA), where I was expressed my interest to join the executive team. 
Tip: Join as many student societies that may be applicable to you and be apart fo the team, to gain as many soft skills as you can!

From the induction into the Student Societies I went to progress within them as indicated below;
CASS: Spiritual Coordinator --> President
ASA: Marketing Intern --> Marketing Manager --> Vice-President (External Functions)

What I can say about this experiences is that it helped me grow and develop professionally where I can also apply these skills that have been attained in interviews, such as working within the unversity as a Student Administration Adviser and more recently as a Senior within the team, or gain an internship within the University and external firms in Australia. 

Overall, with the assistance of university and its culture that it instigated my growth and development; I believe that without period - my experience in university, let alone life has not been a fulfilling one.

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